World on a Dime

Travel the World on a Dime

All my tips and tricks to travel globally on a budget.


Detailed spreadsheets with all the info of each day of my travels


Get the breakdown on how much was spent on each trip.


Not sure where to go? Check out some of my all time favorite travel experiences!

What Is Travel Hacking?

Check out this guide to introduce you to the world of travel hacking and how ANYONE can travel affordably.

Travel Recommendations

Favorite tips and tricks to pull off trips without a hitch (most of the time)

Travel Apps

Maximize your efficiency from the palm of your hand!

Packing List

I hate shopping- but these items are so worth it.

Recommended Blogs

There are so many experts out there already, check out their details here!


Want to see what’s coming up next?

Chances are if I’m not currently traveling, I’m planning my next trip. Check out what the upcoming months look like


There is great irony that I love to travel the world and yet live in the middle of Nebraska. However it has come to grow on me (very slowly) over the years and really is now home.

Been travel hacking since 2014 and once I started, there was no turning back.

Financial responsibility is a big deal to me so while I love traveling, finding deals and saving money also gives me a thrill.

I’d rather hike mountains than explore a city or lay on a beach any day.